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Gender Studies

The interdisciplinary Gender Studies minor focuses on the importance of gender in society and culture and draw upon the insights and methodologies of a wide range of academic disciplines.


One purpose of a liberal arts education is to teach students to think about their place in society using perspectives from the social sciences, the humanities, and the sciences.

The courses in this program focus on the importance of gender in society and culture and draw upon the insights and methodologies of a wide range of academic disciplines.

To this end, students are required to take courses in at least three departments to fulfill the minor requirements.

Curriculum and Requirements

学生必须修满20个学分才有资格修辅修课程.  至少要修5门以下课程.

Required: (4 credits)

  • gst 2202性别研究导论 


  • PSYC 2212 Psychology of Gender
  • SOC 2276 Sociology of Gender


  • 女权主义文学理论
  • MAC 3330女性主义修辞理论
  • SOC 3355 Black Feminist Theory


  • 文艺复兴时期艺术与文学中的性别
  • CLAS 1132 Classical Mythology
  • DANC 2208 History of Dance II
  • ENGL 1111 Writing Women
  • 文学中的妓女
  • gst 3301性别研究专题
  • HIST 2237美国妇女历史
  • MAC 2220 Media and Masculinities
  • MUSC 2227 Women in Music 131
  • POL 2201贩运:全球与当地的结合
  • POL 2222 Gender Politics in Asia
  • PSYC 2205 Social Psychology
  • RELG 2253 In Memory of Her
  • 性别启蒙:性别与佛教
  • SES 2262 LGBTQ+ Issues in Sport
  • SOC 2218 Family and Kinship



** Additional GST or gender-related one-time only and special topic courses may be substituted with permission of the coordinator.

***One-time only and special topic courses may be substituted with permission of the coordinator.

Opportunities for Experience

Summer Research Program

Spend the summer working closely with a professor on a focused aspect of a Gender Studies topic of your choosing.

Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to work with professors on a research of their own design; live in a residence hall on campus, 参加校园暑期活动, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.


Symposium of Artists and Scholars

仿照传统的学术会议, the SAS brings together students of all disciplines to share the results and highlights of the best work being produced at the College –  oral presentations, readings of creative works, performances, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.



在实践中学习——无论是在现场还是在工作中.  The Career Development Center will help place you in positions with leading companies and organizations in your field of study.


神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. 但精英告诉我们,luctus nec ullamcopper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Required: (4 credit hours)

一门介绍文艺复兴时期舞台艺术原理的入门课程, the nature of performance, 戏剧的结构和主题, and the concept of genre or type. 莎士比亚创作生涯中各种体裁的代表作.


A bold, 15世纪的佛罗伦萨出现了新的风格, setting the standard for European and American art until it was challenged by Impressionism and Modernism. Students will become familiar with cornerstones of the Western tradition in painting, sculpture, and architecture, 由包括乔托在内的伟大艺术家创作, Donatello and Brunelleschi. By examining the intellectual, 作品的精神和政治背景, students will understand not only their artistic significance but their original meanings as well.  

谁不知道画的是什么 Mona Lisa? This course examines the career of one of the most influential artists of all time, Leonardo da Vinci, and focuses on his rival, Michelangelo. Students will also discover the contributions of Venetian masters such as Titian and Palladio, 几个世纪以来,谁的作品一直激励着艺术家和建筑师.


An investigation into the nature and uses of myth in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. 主题包括神话的社会意义, 神话在艺术和文学中的运用, 以及希腊罗马神话对西方文明的影响.

本课程将主要介绍社会, political, economic, and cultural forces that shaped and reshaped European societies and Europe’s relationship to the world in this period. 讨论和研究的主题包括中世纪欧洲的制度, the Renaissance, the Reformation, 现代商业资本主义的出现, the English Revolutions, and the Enlightenment.

本课程研究1600-1800年间的欧洲哲学, a time period when scientific discoveries inspired philosophers to radically reevaluate traditional sources of knowledge and methods of inquiry. During this period, the human mind becomes not just a tool but also an object of philosophical inquiry. 研究的作者包括笛卡尔、休谟和康德. 所涵盖的主题包括知识的来源和限制, the mind/body relationship, and personal identity.


Unique Experiences


Top Ranked Professors

Randolph College’s faculty are consistently recognized as among the best in the nation. The Princeton Review ranked the College in the Top 20 for most accessible professors in the 2021 edition of its flagship college guide, The Best 387 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 连续四年获得最平易近人教授奖.

Faculty Coordinator

Danielle Currier

Associate Professor of Sociology

Read More... Danielle Currier

Only at Randolph

Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching education than can be found anywhere else.


Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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The Randolph Plan

Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.

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The Liberal Arts Advantage

Randolph graduates learn to think critically, solve problems and work well with others. 他们准备在生活的各个方面取得成功.

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Money for Your Research

The Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) program provides every student a $2,000 grant to fund research, creative work, 体验式学习或其他学术追求.

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该荣誉是对学院高质量教育的认可, hands-on learning, 牢固的师生关系, and vibrant campus life.

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榜单上的每一所大学都是根据学术质量进行评估的, graduation rates, affordability, return on investment, 以及学生资源的广度.

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指南中引用的学生赞扬了365亚洲版的教师, 谁的首要目标总是让学生成为更好的思考者.” 

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该荣誉是对学院高质量教育的认可, hands-on learning, 牢固的师生关系, and vibrant campus life.

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榜单上的每一所大学都是根据学术质量进行评估的, graduation rates, affordability, return on investment, 以及学生资源的广度.

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指南中引用的学生赞扬了365亚洲版的教师, 谁的首要目标总是让学生成为更好的思考者.” 

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Danielle Currier

Associate Professor of Sociology

Credentials:B.A., Grinnell College
Ph.D., University of Connecticut
Associated Departments:Sociology, Gender Studies
Office:Leggett 616

News Headlines

我2011年加入365亚洲版学院. 我是社会学系的系主任, 暑期研究项目主任, 我负责协调性别研究和人类服务未成年人. 在来365亚洲版之前,我在威廉学院 & 玛丽大学三年,雷德福大学四年. I earned my Ph.D. in Sociology and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Connecticut in 2004. My dissertation was entitled “Gendered Athletes” and in it I examined the different way women and men athletes experience the hyper-masculine world of college sports. 多年来,我获得了各种教学奖项, 包括2015年365亚洲版杰出教学奖.

在我的教学和研究中,我主要关注交叉性和不平等问题, 重点是性别和性. 我教授各种各样的本科课程,包括性别社会学, Qualitative Methods, Social Theory, Sociology of the Family, and Sport Sociology. 我也是教练和体育领导硕士课程的教员, 教授体育历史和研究方法与探究.

我的研究领域包括大学生之间的勾搭, sexual violence, gender and sport, 参与社会运动,如2017年的妇女大游行. I have done several multi-method research projects and have had many students work with me to learn researching techniques and develop strong analytic and writing skills.

My interdisciplinary publications include a book chapter entitled “Feminist Pedagogy” (2021), a co-authored book chapter with a political science colleague about women’s issues in national elections (“The Social Construction of Women’s Interests in the 2014 and 2010 Midterms”), 一篇365亚洲版勾搭的同行评议文章(“战略歧义”), 2013), 还有各种各样365亚洲版勾搭的书评, family dynamics and violence, and violence against women. I regularly go to sociology and gender studies conferences and take students whenever possible.

In my spare time, I love to travel, kayak, hike, read, and watch crazy series on Netflix. In 2018, 我完成了遗愿清单上的一个项目,开车环游了整个美国, visiting every national park I could and visiting every state except Alaska (which is next on my list).
